Building The Network
It takes time to build a blazing fast fiber network and we want you to help inform our future customers, from preregistration to live service in your home.
Launched in 2012 by your local electric cooperative, LREC, the fiber network is being built from the ground up. Our goal? To provide access to the best broadband service around to each and every community within LREC’s service territory.
To help us determine our construction plan, we’re asking people like you to pre-register. Simply put, we’re building our fiber network first in the areas that show a lot of interest. To find out what our process looks like each step of the way from Preregistration, Design and Preconstruction, Construction, Installation, and Support.

Zones: We’ve divided our service territory into zones, 30 to be exact. Each of these zones needs a set number of people to preregister, or sign up in advance for service before we will build our network. You can see the status of each zone in our project and how close a zone is to reaching its signup goal at—just click on the zones tab.
Preregistration: This is just our fancy word for expressing interest. Our service isn’t available everywhere yet, but we want to hear from you anyway. When you preregister, you’re not committing to a contract or ordering service. You’re simply telling us you want our service when it becomes available. When construction begins in your zone, we’ll reach out to confirm the details and complete your signup.
Stay updated: Yep, you guessed it. You can find the latest and greatest updates about our construction timeline, where service is available, and more on our Facebook page.

Design: Our team of engineers maps out the most efficient and reliable way to bring fiber to your area. In general, our lines follow the same path as LREC’s power lines.
Make ready construction: This includes important work like tree trimming, trenching for underground conduit, installing the main fiber pathway, and installing important fiber equipment at points throughout the community.
Drop construction: Near the end of the pre-construction phase, we will build a service drop to your house and place a NID on the outside of your house or business.

Testing: Data (the internet) is transported on fiber lines using light waves. Before we connect your home, we test our fiber lines to make sure the path is clear for light to travel. Yes, Lake Region internet truly travels at the speed of light.
Locates: Workers from other utilities and contractors must accurately locate buried electric, gas, water, and other telecom lines. This adds a few days to our process because locates must be complete before we can put newlines in the ground.
Fiber to the home: Once locates are complete, we can build the fiber out from our mainline to your home. At this time, we’ll also connect the fiber to the side of your home and install a small gray box called the NID box.

Schedule your appointment: A customer service representative will reach out to you when your home is ready for installation. Typically, installation takes about two weeks from the time your construction and NID box is placed on your home or business.
Equipment: Our install tech will run fiber from the NID box directly into your home and connect it to a WiFi router and modem.
WiFi network: While on-site, our install tech will get your WiFi network up and running, test the range, walk you through signing on to your network, and make sure you are 100% comfortable with your new service before they leave.

24/7 tech support: We know nothing in life is guaranteed, internet included. So, we’re ready to help you through any issue you might experience with your service. Our 24/7 tech support can be reached any time, day, or night.
Call us: Gives us a ring at 918-772-2526 to report issues, ask questions, or, tell us how we helped you love the internet again.
Email us: We can’t always solve tech issues over email, but we can answer a whole host of other questions like questions about billing, new products, service transfers, and more. Send us a note through our contact us page.
Construction and Equipment Details FAQ
Who is completing the construction for the installation of the service?
Lake Region Technology has contracted Ervin Cable Construction Inc. to build the network based on, among other things, their expertise and safety record. Vantage Point is our engineering consulting. Crews will work with Lake Region Electric’s lines, poles, and underground electrical locations (where available) to install fiber optics. Once the mainline construction is complete, drop contractors will run fiber to those who have signed up for the service. At that time, they will also install a NID box on the side of the location where the fiber service will enter the house or building.
What does the construction process entail and what is the timeline?
Please know that the preregistration of your address - is only one factor in determining build plans and timelines for your area. Once a zone meets its set goal and is approved for construction, we will communicate a timeline to all those who have pre-registered.
Construction will begin by building the mainline network in the zone, followed by bringing fiber to actual homes and businesses. Once we have the fiber to the home or business, we will call the customer to schedule an appointment to install internet service inside.
The installation will include all wiring. From the first step, until service is installed, you can expect the construction process to take 4 -6 months.
What is included in the fiber installation?
Lake Region will attach a small gray box NID (Network Interface Device) to the outside of your home. A fiber line accompanies your home, connecting your home to the new fiber network.
How will you install fiber if my service is underground?
Lake Region Fiber’s cable will, for the most part, follow LREC’s power lines. Therefore, if your electric service is overhead, your fiber service will also run overhead. If your electric service is underground, Lake Region will bury a fiber cable approximately 16” to 18” deep to your house or business.
Do I need to be home when the construction crews are working on my property?
Not initially. Contractors will be doing all the work outside on your property, including attaching the box to the side of your home, but they will not need entry into your home. However, installers will contact you once the construction of your fiber line has been completed and quality checked to schedule a time for final installation and activation. We will need access inside your location to complete your in-home installation, so that we will need someone present at that time.
Is there an construction or installation fee?
No. Homeowners can sign a 2-year contract for residential service or a 5-year contract for business service. Renters are required to have a credit check or pay $250 installation.
Building a new home or business, Plan ahead for Lake Region Fiber?
If you’re building a new home or remodeling a family room that could eventually include Fiber Optic services or other high-end electronics, now is the time to install the proper wiring to support them. Download Info
How do I know when my service is ready?
We understand waiting for great new technology is no fun. It is hard for our company to give you a hard deadline when service will be available. We are managing several factors; weather, contractor crew efficiency, material availability, easements, and permits, as well as engineering and design. We will call you once confirmation that your address is complete and has a good signal.
When will billing begin for my services?
Billing for your Lake Region Technology services will begin after the final installation is complete and you receive service inside the home. Services are billed in advance of usage, i.e., June service will be billed on May 1.
Is the technical support offered?
Yes! Lake Region Technology subscribers will receive free 24/7 technical support on all services by calling 800-364-5732 or local at 918-772-2526